You can register up to three frequently used addresses or locations as favorite locations.
You can register favorite locations from below:
[Menu] tab > [Favorite location name]
[Pickup&Destination] screen > [Search button] of Pickup location or Destination
Building names, location names, and post-arrival correspondence can be registered so that detailed information can be given at the time of pickup if the location is set as a pickup location.
Driver announces arrival" service is available only in limited areas, and only "Wait at pickup location" service can be set for non-supported areas.
If the "Driver announces arrival" service is requested by setting a favorite pickup location as the pickup location, the taxi that supports the "Driver announces arrival" service will be called first.
If no supported taxi is found, the setting is switched to "Wait at pickup location" option and the taxi will be requested.
Please note that if a favorite location is set as the pickup location, it will be sent to the driver as detailed information at the time of pickup, so messages cannot be sent during your pickup.